Kristen Cunliffe sat reading a book in a chair

About Kristen – Money Coach

Over the 20 years I have been an independent financial planner I have had many hours of conversations about money; the security it can provide, the opportunities and experiences it can facilitate or the joy of helping others. I have also had many conversations about the worry money can cause – not just the lack of it, but also the responsibility, the guilt, the shame, the fear or the confusion.

There are times in our lives when money is brought into sharp focus – some feel great – financial prosperity, success and achievement. Other times might not feel so good - these might be divorce, bereavement, the end of career or family change. Both can bring times of abundance and times of scarcity, times when the responsibility is all ours and times when we feel out of control.

By bringing curiosity and awareness to our conversations, I can empower you to identify and address any unwanted money beliefs, fostering a healthier relationship with money.

This in turn enhances mental resilience, reduces financial worries and promotes overall emotional balance, enabling high achievers and elite athletes to focus on their performance and achieve lasting inner harmony.

Who am I?

My history and experience.

What is financial coaching?

And how will I benefit?

Money Narratives

What stories do you tell yourself about money?

How will it work?

The practical information about financial coaching.

Elite Athlete

Find out how elite athletes can benefit from a money coach.